#521/A, 2nd Block, 2nd Main, 2nd Stage, Rajajinagar, Bangalore – 560 055, India.

6‌‌ ‌Causes‌ ‌of‌ ‌Tooth‌ ‌Sensitivity‌ ‌and‌ ‌Tips‌ ‌to‌ ‌Avoid‌ ‌it‌

Does thinking about a cup of hot tea or a bite of your favorite ice creams make you cringe? Are you not enjoying your summers eating mangoes? Well, don’t worry you are not the only one suffering from these problems. Many people suffer from tooth sensitivity. Having sensitive teeth makes eating hot, cold or even sour food difficult, a sharp pain or discomfort is felt while eating. Let’s discuss what can be the cause behind this discomfort and few tips on how to avoid it in future.

Cause of sensitive teeth and tips to avoid it

1. Hard Brushing 

Aggressive brushing wears off the upper hard layer of teeth which is the enamel or results in gum recession. And this leads to exposing of soft dentin which then causes sensitivity.
  1. Don’t brush too harshly Try not to brush too aggressively or too often than what your dentist has recommended to prevent wearing off of enamel and recession of gums.
  2. Use a soft brush A soft bristled brush can also help in protecting your gums and teeth from damage.

2. Poor Oral Hygiene

Not brushing as advised by your dentist or not flossing properly can lead to formation of plaque or calculus on your tooth surface or between the attachment of gums and root of the teeth. This often leads to wearing off of your enamel layer, recession of gum, formation of pocket or gingivitis (inflammation of gums) which then results in sensitivity of tooth.
  1. Practice proper dental care Brush and floss regularly as advised by your dentist to avoid formation of plaque. Visit your dentist every 6 months for cleaning of your teeth, to remove plaque deposition.
  2. Use a sensitivity toothpaste Sensitivity toothpastes like SHY-NM which acts as shield against hypersensitivity and provides long and almost permanent action against sensitivity. It also acts against microorganisms found in your mouth helping in reduction of gingivitis.
  3. Avoid smoking Continuous smoking not only stains your teeth but also promotes gum recession. Avoid smoking to keep your teeth and gums healthy

3. Consumption of Acidic Food and Drinks

Carbonated or soft drinks, sodas, citrus fruits can cause erosion of your enamel surface of your teeth making it sensitive.
  1. Avoid consumption of acidic food Decrease the consumption of acidic food and gargle every time you have anything acidic. Even people suffering from hyperacidity should cure the root cause of acidity to have healthy teeth.

 4. Clenching of Teeth

Some people have a habit of clenching or grinding their teeth due to stress or during the night which results in enamel wear, causing tooth sensitivity.
  1. Wear a mouthguard Visit your dentist for a mouth guard to resolve teeth clenching problems.

5.Using Abrasive Tooth Powder 

Tooth powders are abrasive by the nature of their powder form, continuous use of tooth powders leads to enamel wear. 
  1. Replace tooth powder with sensitivity toothpaste It is very important to replace your tooth powder with a sensitivity toothpaste like SHY-NM; not only does it help in curbing and relieving tooth sensitivity it also helps remineralise your teeth by releasing minerals like Calcium and Phosphate which strengthens the teeth from within.

6. Cracked Teeth

A cracked, chipped or decayed tooth can also cause pain beyond sensitivity.
  1. Visit your dentist Only a dentist can confirm if your pain is due to sensitivity or something beyond it. They will evaluate it and provide you with the right advice and treatment.  Tooth sensitivity can be treated using the right sensitivity toothpaste. This however does not absolve you from visiting your dentist regularly. If your sensitivity persists and is extreme, visit your dentist before using self medication. Dentists are the right person to determine the cause of your tooth sensitivity and provide you with the best treatment solution according to your cause.Here are few frequently asked questions which can help you if you still have any doubts regarding teeth sensitivity.

What does tooth sensitivity feel like?

Sensitivity is often described differently by different people. Some describe it as an unpleasant sensation whereas some describe it as a stabbing or sharp pain, some even describe it as though they have been suddenly stabbed by a needle.

How bad is having sensitive teeth?

Sensitivity does not necessarily mean you have unhealthy teeth, but if it is bothering you continuously it is always advisable to visit your dentist. Your dentist will diagnose whether the cause of your tooth sensitivity is wearing off of your enamel layer, cracks, gum recession, gingivitis or cavities, based on the diagnoses they will provide you with the appropriate treatment.

Can teeth sensitivity be cured? 

Depending on the cause and severity, dentists can treat that sharp and sudden pain. Attrition of enamel, crack in the tooth surface, gum disease like gingival recession or gingivitis can cause teeth sensitivity, depending on the cause, your dentist will decide the line of treatment.

Is tooth sensitivity a sign of cavities?

Cavities may be one of the reasons behind your tooth sensitivity but having tooth sensitivity does not necessarily mean that you have cavities. Cavities create holes in your tooth surface exposing layers below the enamel. Dentine which is a layer below enamel has many dentinal tubules which have nerve endings and it pains when exposed to any hot, cold, sour or sugary food.